Staff Spotlight 💡 – Lee Bowen

posted: 8/11/24

Staff Spotlight

Second in our staff spotlight series is Lee Bowen, Lee started his new role with the practice in the summer after completing his Part II course at MSA. With prior experience as a Part I in Manchester, Lee is excited to progress his career with Hodder + Partners.

â—¾ What inspired you to become an architect?

I was always drawing when I was younger and had a fascination with cities and buildings. My grandfather showed me Norman Fosters website and I would browse and look at different projects. Before going to university, I was taking a photo of a building in Manchester and my friend asked me why I wasn’t doing architecture and it clicked in my brain that it’s what I should pursue.

◾ What’s your go-to snack during long work sessions?

Go to snack – Got to be diet coke and salt & vinegar crisps

â—¾ If you could design a building anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?

I would design a house in a village called Aberdaron in Wales. Its very remote and I have visited with family all my life, has a lot of sentiment so its cool to imagine designing something personal there.

◾ What’s your favourite film or TV show?

Sorry not sorry but has to be Friends. Some people can’t do the laugh track but me and my sister still think its hilarious.

◾ What’s one thing people might be surprised to learn about you?

I’m actually not too bad at snowboarding, I surprised myself with it to be honest. You’re not about to see me on redbull TV doing a 360 spin though…