Staff Spotlight 💡 – Christian Brown

posted: 27/02/25

Staff Spotlight 💡

Next up in the series is Christian Brown. Christian joined Hodder and Partners in 2022 and has contributed significantly to St Michael’s building 2, helping to shape one of the city’s most exciting new landmarks. His hard work paid off at the end of last year when he officially qualified as an architect a well deserved milestone.

â—¾ What inspired you to become an architect?

When I realised my dream of becoming a footballer was not becoming reality, I knew I had to look elsewhere! I always enjoyed maths and art the most at school and both of my parents were architects at some point in their life, so I think it was probably a combination of all those factors.

◾ What’s one thing people might be surprised to learn about you?

I have had a song I made be played on BBC Radio Manchester.

â—¾ Which project or building do you admire the most, and why?

I remember seeing the work of Frank Gehry as a kid and being confused that buildings could look that way. Even though his work has never directly inspired anything I have done, I got to visit the Guggenheim when I went to America in 2023 and I think I was able to recapture the feeling of wonderment that I had as a kid (with a better understanding of how buildings work now), especially the precision of the curving façade and the way the internal spaces worked with this geometry.

◾ What’s your go-to snack during long work sessions?

I think I survive mostly on coffee but if I need something to snack on, I usually get some chilli coated peanuts (and try my best not to eat the whole bag in one sitting).

◾   What’s your favourite part of the design process?

The earlier stages of a project are the most enjoyable for me. I enjoy the problem-solving aspect of our job but when you can still have creative input rather than worrying about the logistics of delivering at the later stages. It allows us to use different mediums and experiment with the layout or massing of a building without needing to delve into too much coordination.

â—¾ How do you unwind after a busy day at the studio?

My ideal way to unwind after work would usually be with the gym/playing sports, I also play a few instruments and find making music a good way to destress. If I have any time after that then a tv show or playing games.